“I have included Oasis in my estate plan to help preserve a vanishing breed of curiosity seekers, and to provide a forum that goes a little deeper than a 140-character tweet.”
Glenn grew up in a time when a guy’s pride stemmed from such mundane things as the ability to look under the hood of a ’57 Bel Air and figure out why it was running rough. He says now we are living lives without ever looking under the hood.
Glenn is concerned that we never ask: who invented this, how does this work, what is its purpose, what makes it tick? That our way of life has become infected with the same sense of insouciance, while questions about beginnings, life’s
purpose, and establishing big picture priorities are taking a back seat.
“Oasis has shown me there are still those, led by competent and talented instructors, willing to roll up their sleeves and explore, ask questions, and look ‘under the hood.’ Oasis classes are eye openers that make you re-evaluate your entire outlook on life, remove the blinders and open up a whole new perspective of the world.”
After earning his Ph.D. in 1977, Glenn worked in biomedical research his entire career. Retirement has allowed Glenn to focus on investing, ballroom dancing, writing and volunteer work. His latest book is Three Minutes to Heaven: Musings of a Ballroom Dancer.
Glenn takes great pride in his ballroom music collection, and acts as host and deejay of a quarterly “Ballroom Lovers” dance party open to the public.
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