When you invest in Oasis, it’s an investment in YOU:
lifelong learning, healthy living and serving your community!

One-Time | Designated | Monthly | Tribute | Legacy | Required Minimum Distribution

San Diego Oasis is a public 501(c)3 charity | EIN #30-0403895

San Diego Oasis is committed to its mission of ensuring adults age 50+ have opportunities to pursue vibrant, healthy, productive and meaningful lives.
We continue to be driven by our mission to provide quality programs that not only enrich the lives of our Oasis community, but the entire community of San Diego. You can make a donation towards the greatest need or choose to support one of the following:
Intergenerational Tutoring • Bridging the Digital Divide for Seniors • Rancho Bernardo Expansion • Underwrite a Class

Making a donation is easy!

Simply choose your level of giving, apply your preferred “Area of Designation,” select the frequency, then fill our your information. If you would like to make a Tribute Gift, complete the “Additional Information” section and we’ll be in touch about ways to share your tribute.

Legacy Circle Graphic

Legacy Circle

A Legacy Gift is a meaningful way to ensure your personal values continue for years to come. Contact us to learn how a legacy gift could be the most important gift you ever make to the future of healthy aging. Our development staff is ready to assist you. Download the Legacy Brochure>>

Stocks - Ways to Give IconStocks

Donating Stocks benefits the donor by helping avoid capital gains tax. Stock gifts are easy to make.



Please contact Simona at [email protected] to learn what steps to take.

Current|Planned Giving

Planned Giving GraphicWe accept gifts of:

  • Stock
  • Life Insurance
  • Real Estate
  • Planned Gifts including bequests
  • Required Minimum Distributions at age 72

Contact Simona Valanciute for more information

Club Oasis Graphic

Monthly Giving

Join our monthly donors who are making an impact on the seniors right here in our community. This is a budget-friendly approach to giving, but it makes a lasting impact at Oasis that adds up to a major gift at the end of each year. Choose the “ongoing” tab to the left get started.

Questions? Contact Simona Valanciute at [email protected].

RMD GraphicRequired Minimum Distribution (RMD)

Donating to San Diego Oasis through your Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) is a excellent way to make a tax-deductible gift that supports the important mission of San Diego Oasis. EIN #30-0403895. To learn more, contact Simona Valanciute at [email protected].

Vehicle Donation GraphicDonate a Vehicle

Support a cause near and dear to your heart! With a phone call, you can make a difference. Call (877) 55-OASIS to get started on the simple process. It just takes a few minutes.

Airline Miles GraphicAir Miles

Are you racking up Air Miles that you know you won’t use before they expire? Share them with Oasis! While we don’t often have the need for travel, they are very helpful when we do.

Questions? Contact Simona Valanciute at [email protected].